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The Paramotoring Trip Around the World

Starting off in the UK a trip of a lifetime waits for
us in 2011.
From the UK we go through France, Italy,
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Albania,
Greece, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, India,
Bangladesh, Malaysia, The Indonesian Islands,
Australia, Hawii (U.S.A.), U.S.A. mainland and
then finally back to the UK.

So many countries, so many cultures, an
adventure of amazing proportions which should
take us about 9 months and will be filmed by
Rockhopper TV.

Rockhopper have a great history in award
winning documentaries and we are proud that
they want to make our story, it should be on
your screens in late 2112
"Paramotoring Around the World"
20,000 miles